Scripture and creation define humanity’s rhythm of life into morning and evening. The two periods of time frame each day allotted to us by God. Creating uncluttered space for God in our daily lives free from work, noise, technology, other relationships and anything that calls us back into “doing” mode is important. The following steps of Scripture reading and prayer invite us into daily communication and communion with God.
“Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth” Psalm 46:10.
Psalm 46:10
We love you, our Father, and thank you for the rest we have received. Fully awaken our bodies, minds, and hearts to you this new day. Where we are hopeless, bring hope. Where we are dry, bring water. Where we are disillusioned, bring clarity. Fill us with anticipation for the good you have for us in this new day.
Preparation to Receive the Gospel
Lord, prepare us to receive your Living Word. Implant it within us to take root and bear fruit for this day and all the days to come.
Meditation on Today’s Gospel Reading
(Insert text from daily devotional or selected Gospel text)
Thanks be to God.
Our Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in the heavens, may your name and glory be revealed today.
May your kingdom of justice and shalom advance, throughout the world as throughout the heavens.
We look to you to give us what we need. Forgive our sins and cancel our debts.
Enable us to do the same for others. Find us in our weakness, rescue us from what tempts us.
Protect us from all forms of evil and harm, deliver us from the evil one.
You are Good, You are King, and You are Glorious.
This is how it is and how it always will be. Amen.
Morning Psalm
(Insert text from daily Psalm) is a good resource for a daily Psalm
Closing Prayer
Almighty and Eternal God,
So draw my heart to you,
So guide my mind,
So fill my imagination,
So rule over my will and body,
That I may be completely devoted to you
Full of peace and love, strong and pliable
For your glory and the good of all,
Including myself.
We ask through Christ and in the power of the Spirit, Amen.
(Completion of the day)
Lord, we ask you now to calm our thoughts, emotions, and bodies as we prepare for your gift of sleep and restoration. We turn this day and all of its cares over to you now. From you and through you and to you are all things.
Breath prayer: We cast all our cares on you, for you care for us. (repeat, mostly silently)
Our gracious Father, through the blood of Christ we ask that you have mercy. In our brokenness we have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, through what we have done and failed to do. Cleanse us from all that distorts your image within us, we pray.
Breath prayer:Where sin increased, your grace increased all the more. (repeat, mostly silently)
Looking Back
Lord, we thank you for the gift of life, for the beauty and gifts of creation, for all the blessings of the new covenant through Christ and the endowments of the Holy Spirit, including the forgiveness of sins and the community of your people around us. Highlight for us how we experienced You and your specific gifts today.
Expressing Thanks
(Here you may briefly express to the Lord one thing for which you are grateful this day.)
We hold before you people for whom we care and for those in need. Express your love and care, which exceeds ours. Comfort, heal, strengthen and shield them, reminding them of your love.
Surrendering the Day
We surrender this day and all its concerns. We have seen your Son and salvation today, so you may now set us free to go in peace. Let deep rest and restoration come upon us, we pray.
In Christ, we bless you and all people. And in Christ, we rest. Amen.
The capacity to recognize and respond to the presence of God in all of life is a spiritual habit and practice that keeps us connected with God’s larger purposes for us and for God’s world rather than being consumed by self-interest.
It is important to know, really know, that Christian formation at this level is a pure gift as we make ourselves available to God. Otherwise, our rhythm of spiritual disciplines can become nothing more than spiritual self-help programs full of human effort.

Dr. Stan Wilson is originally from Tennessee. He currently lives in Mount Juliet with his wife, Cheryl. They met in high school at David Lipscomb. Stan attended Lipscomb from first grade through his M.Div. and is known as a “lifer.” He is also a certified spiritual director from Lipscomb’s Institute of Christian Spirituality. Stan is the Minister of Christian Formation at Hendersonville Church of Christ in Hendersonville, Tennessee, where he focuses on Adult Education. He preaches every other month and teaches every Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. He holds a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies of the Old Testament and Hebrew from Amridge University’s Turner School of Theology. In his free time, Stan is an avid cyclist and enjoys riding for detoxing and prayerful listening. Stan and his wife have been background extras in multiple seasons of The Chosen series and have supported the series financially since 2019.